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Basic English Grammar

Learn BASIC English Grammar & become a Certified TRAINER

Become a certified trainer of English Grammar & start earning in just few days.
Topics covered in this course:

1.Vowels & consonants 

2. Naming words Nouns 

3. Sentence 

4. Singular/ plural 

5. Pronouns 

6. Gender noun 

7. Adjective 

8. Articles 

9. Compound words

10. Is/am/are 

11. Verbs 

12. Was / were 

13. Have/has/had 

14. Preposition 

15. Conjunction 

16. Interjection 

17. Prefix 

18. Suffix 

19. Countable noun 

20. Uncountable noun 

21. Types of gender 

22. Types of Tenses 

23. Present Indefinite Tense (Negative sentence) 

24. Present Indefinite Tense (Affirmative sentence) 

25. Present Indefinite Tense (Interrogative sentence) 

26. Present Continues Tense (Affirmative) 

27. Present Continues Tense (Negative) 

28. Present Continues Tense (Interrogative) 

29. Present Perfect Tense (Affirmative) 

30. Present Perfect Tense (Negative) 

31. Present Perfect Tense (Interrogative) 

32. Present Perfect Continues Tense (Affirmative) 

33. Pr. Perfect Cont. Tense (Negative) 

34. Pr. Perfect Cont. Tense (Interrogative) 

35. Past indefinite tense (Negative) 

36. Pst Indefinite tense (affirmative) 

37. Past indefinite tense (interrogative) 

38. Past cont. tense (affirmative) 

39. Past cont. tense (negative & interro) 

40. Past Perfect tense 

41. Past Perfect cont. tense 

42. Future indefinite tense 

43. Future cont. tense 

44. Future perfect tense 

45. Future perfect cont. tense

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